Bnk To The Future (BF) ETH Staking Solution Updates

Bnk To The Future (BF) ETH Staking Solution Updates

After a successful beta phase, our ETH Staking Solution now boasts 330 validators, collectively staking 10,560 ETH. This equates to a total value of $32,781,502, benefiting our investors.

We have also distributed over 150 ETH in rewards to our investors. Unlike with other ETH Staking solutions, with us you are simply renting a validator from us in exchange for a cut of your rewards. Your ETH remains unchanged and is not converted to another token, avoiding potential taxable events. Of course this is not tax advice and you should check this with your tax advisor. The yield is 100% reflective of the yield earned by validating transactions on-chain on the Ethereum Blockchain with no retaining or other risks taken in the middle.

You can start staking with us at any scale, whether starting small or diving in with larger commitments. Your journey starts promptly, and you can anticipate your initial staking reward as early as next Monday, contingent upon the queue for setting up a validator on the Ethereum Blockchain.. 

You have the flexibility to either compound your rewards or convert them to Bitcoin, all conveniently within our platform. 

All ETH is securely segregated from our platform business, Bnk To The Future, through our registered virtual asset service provider, BF Virtual Assets Ltd. Your assets are held in custody in your name, ensuring complete segregation and added protection. 

For full details, please visit this link. Alternatively, you can start validating transactions by depositing ETH today and accessing the funds section of your account here.

Take The Plunge & Start Staking ETH Today…

While you’re reviewing your account funds, why not take the opportunity to make your first ETH deposit and explore our ETH staking solution? Start earning weekly ETH income that you can either compound in ETH or convert to Bitcoin. For further details, click here.

Guide To Depositing ETH To Your BF Account

This comprehensive guide outlines the process of depositing your ETH cryptocurrency into your wallet address or via a QR code on our BF platform. To achieve this seamlessly, carefully follow the step-by-step instructions provided below:

Step 1

Click here to log in to your BF account using your registered email address and password. The link will take you to the funds section of your account. If you don’t have an account yet, click on the “Sign Up” or “Register” button on our homepage to create a new account. Fill in the required details and follow the registration process. Once completed, proceed to the next step.

Step 2

After logging in, you will land on the funds section of your account.


Step 3

In the funds section, you’ll find various cryptocurrency options. Locate the Ethereum (ETH) deposit option. You can identify it by the ETH logo or the word “Ethereum.”


Step 4

Click on the “Deposit” button next to the Ethereum option. By doing this, we will generate a unique wallet address and a QR code that you can use to send your ETH cryptocurrency.


Step 5

Open your preferred Ethereum wallet application or access your ETH holdings on an exchange where you store your ETH funds. Make sure that you have sufficient ETH available for the deposit.

Step 6

Within your Ethereum wallet or exchange, locate the option to send or transfer ETH. This feature may be labelled as “Send,” “Transfer,” or something similar.

Step 7

When prompted for the recipient’s address, copy and paste the wallet address you obtained from your BF account. Take care to ensure accuracy and prevent any errors.

Step 8

If you want to use the QR code, some wallets or exchanges offer a scanning feature. Look for a camera icon or an option to scan a QR code and use it to scan the saved QR code image.

Step 9

Specify the amount of ETH you wish to deposit. We recommend reviewing the transaction details, including any applicable fees, before confirming the transfer.

Step 10

Once you have confirmed the transaction, the transfer process will begin. The duration for completion may vary depending on network congestion and other factors.

Step 11

After the successful transfer, you should see the deposited ETH funds reflected in your BF account. Please refresh the page or allow a brief moment for the updated balance to appear.

Step 12

Once the ETH has arrived in your BF account, you are now ready to Stake your ETH using the guide below.

Guide To Staking ETH

Now that you have ETH in your BF account, you are ready to stake your ETH. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to stake your ETH. 

Step 1 – Login To Your BF Account

Click here to login to your Bnk To The Future Account.


Step 2 – Go To Funds Section

The next step is to head over to the funds section of your account by selecting the Funds tab.


Step 3 – Hit Stake Button Next To Your ETH Balance

Locate your ETH balance within the funds section. Look for the “Stake” button next to your ETH balance and select it.


Please Note: If you are staking ETH for the first time, you will see the following screen, click on the “Stake ETH Now” button.


Step 4 – Enter Amount Of ETH To Stake

Enter the amount of ETH you wish to stake or choose one of the percentage buttons e.g. 50% to help you calculate how much of your ETH balance you wish to stake.


You also have the option for Auto-Restaking (see the image which shows a toggle button where it reads Auto-Restaking). 

This feature empowers you to automatically reinvest your weekly ETH staking rewards, ensuring that your rewards are continuously compounded. 

By enabling this feature, the ETH rewards you receive every Monday will automatically be reinvested, giving you compounded ETH yield. This process requires no manual intervention. You can always adjust this setting later through the Staking Dashboard.

To enable Auto-Restaking, locate the toggle for Auto-Restaking button so that it turns green (see screenshot below).


Once activated, you’ll get a pop up asking you if you are sure you want to start auto-restaking. Read the information and confirm once you agree.


Step 5 – Timelock Staking Your ETH

Your next move involves selecting a timelock stake, with durations ranging from no timelock up to a maximum of 5 years. The fee structure begins at 20% with no timelock and gradually decreases to 15% with a 5-year timelock on the rewards earned. It’s essential to note that there are no fees for depositing, staking, or unstaking. The public equity custody fee solely pertains to any public Shares you hold on Bnk To The Future; it does not apply to Staking, which incurs no custody fee. Additionally, the Recap tax subscription is an optional extra for those wishing to organize their transactions for tax reporting. Detailed information is available in the View Profile section of your Bnk To The Future account.



The following chart illustrates the projected ETH rewards you’ll receive over a specified duration based on your chosen timelock period.


Before proceeding, we recommend taking the time to read the common questions, note, and staking services sections on this page to gain a comprehensive understanding of what staking entails. Once you feel prepared, click the next button to continue.



Step 6 – Review Order Summary & Confirm Order

Next, review the Order Summary details, ensuring accuracy in the requested staking amount aligned with your remaining ETH balance. Confirm the auto restaking setting is ON if preferred and ensure the correct timelock staking is set.

Then, carefully read the note section. Finally, thoroughly review all checkboxes, ensuring you have good understanding of each one before ticking each box, and proceed to click ‘Confirm Order’ when ready.


Step 7 – Now Wait A Few Days For ETH Validator To Be Ready

After submitting your staking request, you’ll join our BF Queue, where we aggregate 32 ETH from multiple users. You can monitor the progress in the provided image, tracking when your ETH will be staked with a validator. Once we accumulate 32 ETH or more for staking, we initiate the activation of the Validator(s), denoted by the orange indicator, which typically takes 1-3 days depending on network conditions. Please note: Your ETH validator will be set up as soon as 32 ETH is staked on our platform and approved by the Ethereum Blockchain.

We’ll send you an email notification once your validator is ready. You can also find a useful link in the message to check the queue time on the Blockchain.

Once the validator is active, the status changes to ‘completed,’ signaling the commencement of your ETH staking rewards. Rewards are deposited every Monday.


Step 8 – Congratulations! Your ETH Validator Opened

Once you reach the front of the queue, your validator will be opened, and you’ll start receiving weekly income every Monday. We’ll keep you informed via email throughout the entire process. You can check the status of your ETH Staking by selecting the ETH Staking tab (see screenshot below).


Need Support?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update, our dedicated support team is here to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us anytime.

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